# 简介

Nest (NestJS) 是一个用于构建高效、可扩展的 Node.js 服务器端应用程序的开发框架,提供了一个开箱即用的应用程序体系结构 (opens new window)

# 安装与运行

# 1. 前置

  • node
  • npm包管理工具
npm i -g @nestjs/cli
nest new project-name
npm run start

# 2. 启动效果


# 起步使用

# 1. 项目结构

  • main.ts:应用程序入口,使用核心函数 NestFactory 来创建 Nest 应用程序的实例。
  • app.service.ts:service层,具有单一方法的基本服务(service)method
  • app.controller.ts:controller层,带有单个路由的基本控制器
  • app.model.ts:model层,T应用程序的根模块(root module)
  • app.controller.spec.ts:单元测试层

# 2. 分层分析 - main.ts

  • 定义了异步函数bootstrap,引导应用程序的启动过程
  • 使用了 NestFactory 核心类创建了一个 Nest 应用程序的实例
  • NestFactory 暴露了一些静态方法用于创建应用程序的实例。其中,create() 方法返回一个应用程序的对象
  • app实例监听3000端口

# 3. 分层分析 - app.service.ts

  • 定义了一个函数getHello()并导出为AppService
  • 使用@Injectable (opens new window)(can be managed by the Nest IoC container)装饰器装饰Appservice

# 4. 分层分析 - app.controller.ts

  • 消费了AppServie,返回值为AppServie中getHello()的返回值
  • 定义了一个函数并导出为AppController
  • 使用@Controller (opens new window)(allows us to easily group a set of related routes, and minimize repetitive code.)装饰器装饰AppController
  • 使用@get (opens new window)(tells Nest to create a handler for a specific endpoint for HTTP requests. )装饰器装饰函数getHello,这里可以自己规定请求入口

# 5. 分层分析 - app.model.ts


  • A feature module simply organizes code relevant for a specific feature, keeping code organized and establishing clear boundaries
  • Each application has at least one module, a root module.
  • The @Module() decorator takes a single object describe the module.
  • The last thing we need to do is import this module into the root module (the AppModule, defined in the app.module.ts file).

# 6. 分层分析 - dto(自建)


npm i --save class-validator class-transformer


# 简介

Nest (NestJS) 是一个用于构建高效、可扩展的 Node.js 服务器端应用程序的开发框架,提供了一个开箱即用的应用程序体系结构 (opens new window)

# 前置

一个创建好的nest框架 (opens new window)

# 模块导航

# 1. Modules

a class annotated with a @Module() decorator The @Module() decorator provides metadata that Nest makes use of to organize the application structure.



  • providers 提供商,提供了service服务
  • controllers 控制器,提供了控制器集合
  • imports 依赖注入
  • exports 模块导出

# 2. Controllers

Controllers are responsible for handling incoming requests and returning responses to the client. Frequently, each controller has more than one route, and different routes can perform different actions.


  • Routing 在@Controller()指定路由前缀,@Get()指定方法入口
import { Controller, Get } from '@nestjs/common';

export class CatsController {
  getHello() {
    return 'hello';
  • Request object @Req()装饰器,指示Nest注入请求对象,从而访问请求对象。
import { Controller, Bind, Get, Req } from '@nestjs/common';

export class CatsController {
  findAll(request) {
    return 'This action returns all cats';
  • Resources @Post()创建新资源
import { Controller, Post } from '@nestjs/common';

export class CatsController {
  create(): string {
    return 'This action adds a new cat';
  • Route wildcards 字符?、+、*和()可以在路由路径中使用,它们是正则表达式对应的子集,匹配符合规则的路由。
findAll() {
  return 'This route uses a wildcard';
  • Status code @HttpCode()设定响应状态码
create() {
  return 'This action adds a new cat';
  • Header @Header()自定义响应头
@Header('Cache-Control', 'none')
create() {
  return 'This action adds a new cat';
  • Redirection @Redirect()请求重定向
@Redirect('https://nestjs.com', 301)
  • Route parameters @Param()接收URL中的参数
findOne(params) {
  return `This action returns a #${params.id} cat`;


findOne(@Param() params): string {
  return `This action returns a #${params.id} cat`;


findOne(@Param('id') id: string): string {
  return `This action returns a #${id} cat`;
findOne(id) {
  return `This action returns a #${id} cat`;
  • Sub-Domain Routing @Controller装饰器可以采用一个主机选项来要求传入请求的HTTP主机匹配某个特定的值。
@Controller({ host: 'admin.example.com' })
export class AdminController {
  index(): string {
    return 'Admin page';
  • Scopes


  • Asynchronicity 支持异步,返回p、Promise()
async findAll(): Promise<any[]> {
  return [];
async findAll() {
  return [];
  • Request payloads @Body()接收post请求参数,需先创建DTO
export class CreateCatDto {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  breed: string;

async create(@Body() createCatDto: CreateCatDto) {
  return 'This action adds a new cat';
# nest-swagger

安装nest-swagger (opens new window)

  npm install --save @nestjs/swagger swagger-ui-express


  import { DocumentBuilder, SwaggerModule } from '@nestjs/swagger';


  // swagger配置
  const swaggerOptions = new DocumentBuilder()

  const document = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, swaggerOptions);
  SwaggerModule.setup('doc', app, document);

# 3. Providers

Many of the basic Nest classes may be treated as a provider – services, repositories, factories, helpers, and so on. It can inject dependencies.


  • Services

# 4. Middleware

a function which is called before the route handler.


  • 实现自NestMiddleware
import { NestMiddleware } from '@nestjs/common';

export class LoggerMiddleware implements NestMiddleware {
  use(req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) {
  • Applying middleware


const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);


import { Module, RequestMethod } from '@nestjs/common';
import { helloMiddleware } from './common/middleware/hello.middleware';

export class helloModule {
  configure(consumer) {
  • Route wildcards


forRoutes({ path: 'ab*cd', method: RequestMethod.ALL });
  • Excluding routes


    { path: 'cats', method: RequestMethod.GET },
    { path: 'cats', method: RequestMethod.POST }

# 5. Pipes
